Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mama Drama

Alas, it happened again.  
My baby yanked forcibly from my overprotective arms and tossed into the tall walls of the big school.  

With Miro, it was a little less dramatic. We moved schools and after the interview, he was immediately bumped up from preschool to Primary School Level One without much fanfare. But with Kenji, there was a graduation ceremony. So the reality that my baby is no longer a baby but a big boy is more pronounced, more...rubbed in my face. It's a big step. And I went through an emotional roller coaster ride as I dropped him off for his first day there today. Kenji, although quiet the whole time, must be going through the same emotional tussle. Primary School, after all, will pose a huge culture shock. Preschool is mostly play and fun and songs interpreted in goofy hand movements. Primary School is more strict, more structured, more serious --the perfect avenue for causing more trouble, in fact. I am seeing detention upon detention and PTCs upon PTCs on the first few months. Not that I'm a stranger to those. Miro went through all that on his first months in Primary. Invigorating experiences, really. I can still remember all the ups and downs and whirlwind escapades then and I can't help but chuckle now.  
Aaaaand Kenji does have a thing for following his big brother's footsteps.
As Kenji learns to adjust, I'm looking forward to another interesting ride. Just as Miro's had been 2 years ago.  
Exciting. Just quite saddening to accept that I don't have a baby anymore. *le sigh*

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